The Tiny Tots is held each Monday from 10.30am to 12 noon during term time in our Church Hall, which is situated in Westbourne Street (at the rear of our church building). All adults caring for babies and pre-school children are welcome. It is a relaxed atmosphere when children play with various toys and adults chat and get to know one another. Refreshments are served to both adults and children. The morning finishes with a short time of singing children’s songs and choruses.
The Children’s Meeting is held each Friday evening from 7pm to 8.00pm in our Church Hall in Westbourne Street (at the rear of our church building). All children from four to twelve are welcome. The programme consists of singing, quizzes, teaching a Bible verse and Children’s catechism, and a Bible lesson. Throughout the year we have a craft night, a games night, and a film night. The meetings run from September to May and usually finish with an outing.
Everyone who is involved in any of the Children's Activities has been AccessNI checked.